War in Ukraine + Israel vs palestine


 Information : War in Ukraine and other things

In 2024, There is a war between Ukraine and Russia. Russia has been taking the Ukraine's land, And the tensions between them are rising. Russia is gaining momentum in its assault on Ukraine. Russia has been trying to get more on the black sea, For better trading routes. The Crimean peninsula has been completely taken from Ukraine, as Russia takes more and more land from Ukraine, Will Ukraine get it back? Or will it be always be apart of Russia?

From my information, The most likely outcome of this war might be a Frozen conflict, Cease-Fire, Negotiated armistice. Another outcome might be Russian victory, Which includes Russia taking lots of Ukraine, Like Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, And Kherson. But the exact ending of this war is not certain, There could be any of these outcomes. Also, I've heard that Russia might collapse if it doesn't win. When I heard about this, I was shocked, One of the most powerful nations, Collapsing. But as the others, We are not sure. Parts of the river that Kyiv is on, Have been taken from Ukraine.

            Is Kyiv safe?

As you probably know, The capitol of Ukraine is called "Kyiv". One of the questions about this war  has concerned me, Is the city of Kyiv safe? Right now when i'm making this, I know that Ukraine is not safe. But is Kyiv safe? If Kyiv could be taken by the Russians, And Russia captured Kyiv, It would bad for Ukraine. 

What would happen if the capitol city was taken by Russia? But surprisingly, That is not the case, Sure Kyiv is near Belarus, A friend of Russia, Kyiv is the safest place in Ukraine. That is due to the large amount of air defense systems in Kyiv. Even though about it being the safest city in Ukraine, It is still dangerous to go there. If the war ends, You could go there. You can still go to Kyiv right now, But it is dangerous.


Ukraine's refugees

When a war happens, You might know about refugees. A refugee is someone who flees a country for safety or when something dangerous is happening there. Like Ukraine's war, Unlike Ukraine, Russia has so much space, And Ukraine couldn't get to the big cities by taking land from Russia. So there are barely any refugees. But Ukraine has lots of refugees, In fact 6.5 Million of them. With people fleeing, It might be harder to fight. In when the war ends, Returnees might help build back schools, Buildings, And roads.

The fighting

As you probably know, In a war, soldiers go across land and fight. Ever since the fight started, Ukraine & Russia have been losing soldiers to the battlefield. Ukraine's estimate says they have lost  70,000 deaths from Ukraine's soldiers. But Russia has lost 300,000, So we all know that Russia is losing more soldiers.


Weapons are used for lots of things. I'm not a fan of them, But they are main thing in wars. Fighter planes, Bombs, Guns, Tanks, Etc are all weapons. Also, They are all used a lot in wars. But in times of war, Take World War 1 for example, People upgraded their weapons so they can win. Like how Germany made the Mini gun, And upgraded that to be better for fighting. But the EU ( European Union ) has been giving weapons to Ukraine for support.
                                                         The EU promised Ukraine to have 1 Million shells by the end of March 2024. A shell is like a cannonball that explodes when it hits. Ukraine's weapons are coming, But we haven't seen Russia's weapons.

Russia is also getting more weapons, Like Nuclear, Missiles, and other weapons. You probably know Russia has Nuclear missiles. I have been wondering, What if Russia became the second country in history launch a Nuclear Bomb on another country. What if Russia did launch one of their Nuclear bombs on Ukraine? This has only happened twice, Where the United States launched a 2 Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Away from all that, There is another interesting conflict.

Israel v.s Palestine

Most people know about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Most countries in the middle east are not a big fan of Israel. Israel is a Jewish country surrounded by Muslim countries. The Muslim countries don't like the Jewish country right there, So they get in fights a lot. Palestine, Which you can see on the map, Is kind of Israel's worst enemy. On October 27 2023, Israel made a surprise ongoing invasion of the Gaza Strip. The only part of Palestine that touches the Mediterranean sea.

Will Israel and Palestine have a big war?

Right now, Israel is attacking central Gaza city, Palestinians flee the area, And 100 dead. Also, Norway has been helping Israel a bit. The have been helping Israel with their attack on Gaza, But not with soldiers. Norway has agreed to help as an intermediary to help unfreeze the funds. 

There could be a big war between Israel and Palestine, But we are not sure. But we do know that Israel and Palestine have had 16 wars against each other.

Israel's conflict with other middle-eastern countries

It isn't just Israel and Palestine, Almost all of the middle-east doesn't like Israel. I think they have a really bad idea of why Israel is bad. But that's my opinion. Many of the Middle East had a war with Israel, Or attacked it. Some countries that have attacked Israel are: Egypt, Jordan , Iraq, Syria, And Lebanon. Some people think that Israels is Palestine, But it depends on which side you like more. I like the Israeli side, But that's a bit off topic. 
                                                    Egypt first became the first Arab country that fully recognizes Israel as a country. But before, They had a big war against each other.

The end-

Make sure to find the next part of Information, Nuclear bombs: What to do?

- AFIB Ultra Runner
